Hi, I am
Shubham Deshkar
Software Development Engineer II
Building Contact Center Solutions at,
Zoom Video Communications Inc.
since August 2022

I'm a seasoned professional with years of experience in Software Engineering, driven by a relentless focus on speed of execution and effective decision-making. Throughout my career, I've honed my abilities to streamline processes, enabling faster and more informed choices that directly impact product development.

My passion lies in building exceptional products and working closely with customers to understand their needs and preferences. I've consistently demonstrated the ability to transform customer insights into innovative solutions that drive business growth. My commitment to swift action and customer-centricity positions me as a valuable asset for any team or organization, eager to achieve excellence in product development and customer satisfaction.

Software Development Engineer II
Zoom Video Communications Inc.
Aug 2022 - present
  • Shipped microservices components using FastAPI and Kafka with full ownership of building and delivering end-to-end on AWS.
  • Improved logging and monitoring techniques by creating Splunk and SignalFX dashboards feeding from AWS CloudWatch.
  • Reduced code by implementing triggers and sequences on MySQL and OracleDB and used PL/SQL for DDL and DML.
  • Increased maintainability of code by introducing, documenting and educating on best practices on coding and collaborating on Git.
  • Led technical discussions, requirement gathering and clarifications sessions and interviews resulting in success of the team.
Software Development Engineer II
Infosys Technologies
April 2021 - Aug 2022
  • Shipped microservices components using FastAPI and Kafka with full ownership of building and delivering end-to-end on AWS.
  • Improved logging and monitoring techniques by creating Splunk and SignalFX dashboards feeding from AWS CloudWatch.
  • Reduced code by implementing triggers and sequences on MySQL and OracleDB and used PL/SQL for DDL and DML.
  • Increased maintainability of code by introducing, documenting and educating on best practices on coding and collaborating on Git.
  • Led technical discussions, requirement gathering and clarifications sessions and interviews resulting in success of the team.
Software Development Engineer I
Infosys Technologies
August 2019 - April 2021
  • Delivered MVPs and applications using SpringBoot, ReactJS and AngularJS and implemented OAuth and JWT for authentication.
  • Designed and implemented REST APIs with modular, maintainable and testable code for features and its corresponding UI pages.
  • Exceeded code and branch coverage thresholds by writing tests in JUnit and Mockito and supported integration testing.
Java Developer
School of Education, University of Maryland
January 2019 - May 2019
  • Added more users and more data per users by developing features and enhancements in SpringBoot and ReactJS.
  • Furthered overall data processing and archiving capacity using JDBC and JPA to interface code with a MySQL database.
  • Contributed in design decisions by creating and demonstrating proofs-of-concepts and simulating various scenarios.
Software Engineer Intern
Institue of Physical Sciences and Technology, University of Maryland
January 2018 - February 2019
  • Expanded stakeholders’ visibility by increasing the amount of data collected and processed using Python automation on Linux env.
  • Enhanced visual representation of data by adding features in dashboard using ReactJS and integration with external APIs.
  • Interacted with stakeholders to gather and document requirements and provide weekly updates on progress and plans.
Master's in Computer Engineering
University of Maryland, May 2019
Master’s in Computer technologies with primary focus on software engineering, machine learning and its applications.
Bachelor's in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering
University of Pune, May 2017
Bachelor’s in electronics engineering & signal processing with main focus on programming microcontrollers and microchips to build computer interfaces.
Programming Languages
Java 17, JavaScript (ES6), Python 3.xx
Front-End Technologies
ReactJS, AngularJS, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS3, SaaS, Figma, Bootstrap4
Software Management Tools
Github, Bitbucket, Jira, Git Workflows, Bitbucket pipeleines, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Trello, Slack
Other Technologies
AWS, Spring Boot, RESTful Web Services, Microservices, Kafka, Hibernate, JDBC, JPA, PL/SQL, JUnit4, Postman, Designing APIs, Design Patterns, SOLID
Java SE 8 Programmer, November 2020
  • Develop code that makes use of Polymorphism, overrides methods, differentiates between reference and type of Objects.
  • Write Lambda expressions that consumes a Lambda Predicate Expressions and identify optimizations.
  • Create executable application with a main method and create and manipulate Calendar data.
This is the fun part...
API Integration, ReactJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap4
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Machine Learning, Tensorflow, Python, TensorflowJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Open the app on desktop or phone and draw a number from 0 - 9 and see some Machine Learning in action. Based on LeNet-5 and trained on MNIST the model has scored over 97% accuracy.